Meth is one of the worst threats to ever visit our community. Fires, explosions and contaminated waste from meth
labs pose serious safety risks. Addicts so consumed by the drug that they can't function place a drain on our economy,
law enforcement, health care, treatment and social services system. Children who are neglected by their meth using parents
are flooding our child welfare system and are impacting schools and day care centers. Retailers who constantly
have to struggle with theft prevention of meth inredients as well as farmers who have their anhydrous stolen by paranoid and
potentialy violent criminals are all feeling the impact of meth.
To stop it, we need every sector of the community to get involved in education, prevention, intervention, and legislation.
Suspicious Signs that May Indicate a Meth Lab Nearby:
- Unusual smells (sulfur, ammonia, ether or chemicals)
- Windows blacked out or covered by blankets or flags.
- People going outside to smoke
- Cars coming at odd hours or not staying very long.
- Children spending long hours outside even in bad weather or telling neighbors they can't go in.
- Dumps of garbage related to manufacturing (cold pill boxes, starter fluid cans, stripped out batteries, coffee filters,
Look for multiple warning signs.
To Report Meth Crimes (Suspected labs or drug activity)
In Jackson or Williamson County call:
Southern IL Enforcement Group: 549-7217
In Franklin County call:
COMIT Drug Task Force: 439-9252
In Saline County call:
Saline County Narcotics Unit: 252-8661
To Join a Coalition or Request More Information (materials, presentations,
(618) 922-6791
To Report Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
1 (800) 25A-BUSE
To Donate or Organize a Kid's Care Pack Drive
(618) 457-6703 Ext. 356